St Andrew's Church, Isleham

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For photographs, events & community
@ thethreeriversgroup

A member of the Three Rivers Group of parishes 
Chippenham, Fordham, Isleham,  Kennett & Snailwell

The Diocese of Ely, The Church of England


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The anniversary of the USAF Surperfortress bomber crash 
at Isleham on October 13, 1949

On October 13 in 1949 an USAF Superfortess bomber took off from Lakenheath on a training mission.

Tragically the plane's engines caught fire a few moments after take-off. The pilot managed to avoid a complete catastrophe by steering the plane, which was loaded with live bombs and fuel, away from the centre of the village but it crashed half a mile south of Isleham. All twelve crew members were killed in the huge explosion..

On the seventy-fifth anniversary of that event there was a Commemoration at
St Andrew's Church on Sunday October 13 to remember those who lost their lives. 

This commemoration was  hosted by the Isleham Parish Council and was attended by senior representatives of the USAF, the RAF and other community organisations.

Ehis memorial marks a very important part of our village history.

Bible Studies... Look through Luke next on Thursday 
November 11 at Fordham at 7.30pm

Everyone welcome - why not invite a friend?

  • 03/10: The Prologue Luke 1-2
  • 10/10: Preparations Luke 3-4
  • 17/10: Apostles assemble Luke 5-6
  • 24/10: To the mountain Luke 7-10
  • 31/10: Half Term (no session)
  • 07/11: Parables Luke 10-19
  • 14/11: Miracles Luke 10-19
  • 21/11: Jerusalem Luke 19-23
  • 28/11: Resurrection Luke 24

All sessions begin at 7.30pm and finish by 9pm in the undercroft at
Fordham Church – wrap up warm!

Contact Reverend Steve for more details.

The Etheldreda Medal Awards for Diane Walli and Michael Wallis 

The Etheldreda Medal Award is for persons whose service to community
is both ‘generous’ and ‘outstanding’. This year, Kennett’s Diane Wallis and
Snailwell’s Michael Wallis, will be accepting their well deserved medals
at Ely Cathedral on Saturday October 28 at 5.30pm should you wish to show your support

School Assemblies

If anyone is keen to join a small team to lead school assemblies 
please contact Reverend Steve.

Church Services

Have you ever visited your parish church?

If you are a new resident of Isleham or perhaps have just never ventured inside your parish church why not do so today. 

Or perhaps another time would suit you better; the church is usually open every deay from about 9am until about 5pm. 

There are many surprising and marvellous things to see.

We hold a service every Sunday at 9.30am at which you will be warmly welcomed.

Or why not join us at our 

Isleham Coffee Morning -Tuesdays 10am-12noon 

The Tuesday morning coffee and bacon butty crew are back at the St Andrew’s Social Centre , from 10am-12 noon.  All welcome.

The Rector’s Daily Reflections

Each day I produce a short set of reflections on the readings for
Morning Prayer the following day.

If you would like to receive these by email, please let me know. You
can unsubscribe very easily if you decide you don’t want them any
more please email me:


All the orders of service will be found on our website

Harvest Festival 

  • Kennett: On October 20 at 3.30pm there will be a Family Harvest Service.

All the orders of service will be found on our website

Services in the Three Rivers Group Churches - Sunday October 20
Trinity 21

  •  9.30am Isleham: -Eucharist 
  • 9.30am - Snailwell: - Morning Prayer 
  • 11am Fordham: - Eucharist 
  • 11am Chippenham: - Morning Prayer
  • 3.30pm Kennett - a Harvest Service. 

All the orders of service will be found on our website

Welcome to church today – we are very glad to have you with us.

Face coverings are no longer mandatory in public spaces, but if you are not
exempt, please consider wearing one while in church to help protect others.

All who are baptized and communicant members of their own church are warmly
invited to receive Holy Communion when it is celebrated in our churches.

Children and Holy Communion

All five PCC’s have now agreed that our church family younger children (aged 7 and above) may be admitted to Holy Communion after appropriate instruction. 

Muriel Hood and Ruth Ogden have agreed to instruct our young people. If there are young people in your family who would like to receive communion, then please do speak with them.l

All the orders of service will be found on our website


Grant, we beseech you, merciful Lord, to your faithful people
pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed from all their sins and serve
you with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive
and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. 


Psalm 91.1.16


  • A reading from the Old Testament from Isaiah 53. 4-12

  • A reading from the New Testament  from Hebrews 5. 1-10

  • The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ aaccording to Mark 10. 35-45

Post Communion prayer

Father of light, in whom is no change or shadow of turning, you give us
every good and perfect gift and have brought us to birth by your word of
truth: may we be a living sign of that kingdom where your whole creation
will be made perfect in Jesus Christ our Lord.



  • Iris Stebbeds  on Thursday October 3, at 2pm at St Andrew's Isleham
    followed by burial in the cemetery.


  • Alice Rose Wilson   on Saturday  October, at 11am at Forham


  • A wedding blessing for Cameron Humphrey & Claire Tuttle on Friday  October 11,
    at 1.30pm ar Chippenham
  • Michael Lee & Alice Chesham on Satourday on Saturgay  November 23,, at 2pm at Fordhasm

Midweek services update

Revd Steve writes:

Morning Prayer is a great way to start the day: for those of you who would  like to join in, we gather at 8.15 in the church social centre in Isleham on Tuesdays, and in the church at Fordham on Wednesdays and Fridays

I aim to have Morning Prayer available on the churches’ Zoom link at 8.15 each day  on Tuesday to Saturday. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, this will be from the  gathering; on other days it will be just online. Please email me for details of how to join in (see address below).

Each day I produce a short set of reflections on the readings for Morning  Prayer the following day. If you would like to receive these by email, please  let me know. You can unsubscribe very easily if you decide you don’t want them any more!

You can get in touch with me in a number of ways: my email address is; my home phone number is 01638 354866; my 
mobile number is 07871182394 (but please note it spends almost all of its 
time on silent, so I may not notice it ring – please either leave a message or 
send a text); and for old-school paper, I’m at 24 Mildenhall Road, Fordham, 
CB7 5NR.

A reminder that all are welcome to join our midweek services, which currently include 

  • Tuesday Morning Prayer at Isleham (in church or at Social Centre) – 8.15am

  • Wednesday Morning Prayer at Fordham (in church) – 8.15am

  • Wednesday Compline at Snailwell (in church) – 6.30pm

  • Wednesday Compline on Zoom (online) – 7pm

  • Friday Morning Prayer at Fordham (in church) – 8.15am

The mailing list for online Compline is currently being refreshed, so if you would like to stay on it, or join it anew, please email to let us know1

In person services in church

With due consideration to national guidance from the government and the Church of England in the meantime, I'm pleased to say that we are going ahead with services in-person in church.

However, it's clear that as in all things at present, we must be careful, of ourselves and each other, and for that reason we do ask for your cooperation and understanding where modifications have been made. 

We must, of course, leave the decision whether or not to attend to you and your judgment. While it is generally good to be with other people, we realise that this is not comfortable or sensible for everyone at present, and we continue to pray for and ask God's blessing on all in our parishes, not just those we see in person. 

Two important considerations:

Firstly, in common with all public indoor spaces, we ask that you do not attend an event if you are feeling unwell or experiencing any of the recognised symptoms of COVID. 

As the virus spreads successfully between people without symptoms, please also consider taking a lateral flow test before attending a service, especially if you have been in contact with people beyond your household in recent days.

Face coverings are no longer mandatory in public spaces, but if you are not exempt, please consider wearing one while in church to help protect others as local infection rates remain high.

We will continue to ensure good ventilation in our churches, so please come prepared for draughts.

Christian Aid prayer for Ukraine 

God of all peoples and nations, who created all things alive and breathing, united and whole, show us the way of peace that is your overwhelming presence. 

We hold before you the peoples of Ukraine and Russia, every child and every adult. We long for the time when weapons of war are beaten into ploughshares. When nations no longer lift up sword against nation.

We cry out to you for peace.

Protect those who only desire and deserve to live in security and safety. 

Comfort those who fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones

Be with those who are bereaved.

Change the hearts of those set on violence and aggression and fill leaders with the wisdom that leads to peace.

Kindle again in us a love of our neighbour and a passion for justice to prevail and a renewed recognition that we all play a part in peace. 

Creator of all hear our prayer and bring us peace. Make us whole.  


Weekly notice sheet by email  

We still distribute a copy of the weekly notice sheet by email every Sunday to those who want to keep up-to-date with what's happening in the Group, even when they can't get to church. 

Please let the Parish Administrator know if you'd like to receive a copy.


    Prayer for the Nation

    If you want to continue, David came across this from the diocese of Oxford which you could read/pray at 6pm each evening:

    When we are isolated and alone, we remember God is with us; we place our hands in his hands

    The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

    When we are tired and confused…

    He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters;

    When we are worn out with worry

    He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake.

    When we are sick and afraid and if we lose those we love…

    Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff - they comfort me.

    When we face difficulties today and we hope for a better tomorrow…

    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

    In the face of trouble & difficulty of all kinds, we remember Jesus’ promise of life beyond death…

    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.

    Voluntary suggestions

    For lovers of the Anglican choral tradition and Isaiah 6: John Stainer, ‘I saw the Lord’

    Part of the current wave of recorded musical Blessings providing comfort and inspiration from different perspectives, here’s one from Ireland, using an ancient text very apt for Trinity Sunday:

    Early music fans with time on their hands may like to revel in the glorious sound of John Taverner’s ‘Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas’:

    And another chance to hear our former organist at Fordham David Poulter playing J.S. Bach’s ‘Fugue’ in C major (BWV 545)

    Dementia Friendly Village - Fordham

    Fordham is working towards becoming a Dementia Friendly Village. 

    Laura Cox-Watson has agreed to be our Dementia Friends Champion. and Has atteneded some training in Cambridge. and has held two sessions to share with the community what she has learned and discuss how Fordham can move forward with this. Laura is also very keen to gain insight from families who have direct experience of living with Dementia.

    If anyone would like to contact Laura direct then please do so on either 
    07974 409228 or

    Children and Holy Communion

    All five PCC’s have now agreed that our church family younger children (aged 7 and above) may be admitted to Holy Communion after appropriate instruction. 

    Muriel Hood and Ruth Ogden have agreed to instruct our young people. If there are young people in your family who would like to receive communion, then please do speak with them.

    Is God calling you to something?

    There are a few things around which it might be good for our churches to be involved with. If anyone would like to take a more active part in prayer, reading the bible, working with young people, thinking about church growth, visiting baptism families, thinking about our faith, and many other things, then please contact David if this is something God might be nudging you towards.

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    Duty rotas 

    The duty rota can be found on the Notice Board in the church.

    Intercessions books

    We have new books in each of the churches for people to write down prayer requests. Please write the name of the person who you would like us to pray for and your initials.

    Please do not feel locked into this rota, but do arrange your own swaps and indicate on lists in church and the social centre.

    Please inform Stuart and Rob Savage of any swaps/changes.

    Note:. On Fridays, the bell ringers will lock the church and return key to you.

    On Sunday evenings please check that relevant bin is ready for collection on pavement.

    Any problems or concerns, please contact Stuart, as above.

    Key Contacts:

    Alan Ashley -14 St Andrews Close - 780742. 

    Julia Brunning - 3 Little London - 780945

    Sean Edwards -1 Robins Close - 780241

    Mark Fletcher - The Granary- 2B Waterside - 780550 

    Stuart Haggett –3 Church Lane - 781737

    Richard May - 4 Elwoods Close - 780249 

    Mary Wightman -3 Sun Street - 781022

    Emergency lockers:

    Ruth Ogden -35 Waterside -780646

    Rob Savage -38 Sun Sreet - 780218

    Second key holder:

    Stuart Haggett. 3 Church Lane - 781737


Copyright © St Andrew's church, Isleham & MediaVets 2002-24
Comments about the web site to the webmaster.

Last updated October 19, 2024
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