St Andrew's Church, Isleham

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@ thethreeriverschurches

A member of the Three Rivers Group of parishes 
Chippenham, Fordham, Isleham,  Kennett & Snailwell

The Diocese of Ely, The Church of England


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Fordham Church Closure
The Church is closed for a few weeks for major renovation work.

From Sunday January 19 services will be held in Victoria Hall 
at 11am until such time as the church reopens. 
It is estimated that this could be closed for 6 weeks but updates
will be given periodically.

A bird's eye view of St Andrew's Isleham

St Andrew's is a member of The Three Rivers Group

The Three Rivers Group, a United Benefice, comprises the parishes of:

  • Chippenham - St Margaret
  • Fordham - St Peter & St Mary Magdelene
  • Kennett - St Nicholas
  • Isleham - St Andrew
  • Snailwell - St Peter

Each parish has its own Parochial Church Council (PCC), looks after its own finances and has its own style of worship.

The ministry team currently comprises:

  • The Revd Stephen Day, Rector

    You can get in touch with me in a number of ways: my email address is; my home phone number is 01638 354866; my 
    mobile number is 07871182394 (but please note it spends almost all of its 
    time on silent, so I may not notice it ring – please either leave a message or 
    send a text); and for old-school paper, I’m at 24 Mildenhall Road, Fordham, 
    CB7 5NR.

    I take Monday as my day off each week, so messages which arrive on 
    Monday will get dealt with on Tuesday.

  • Mrs Carol Taylor, Licensed Lay Minister.
    Telephone: 01658-720765 
    Email: Carol[at]
  • Mr Mark Walsh, Licensed Lay Minister and Authorised Lay Minister (Music) at Isleham.
    Mark Wals hhas changed his email address.
    Please use the following address for all correspondence with Markmarkcwalsh.personal[at]
  • Ms Heather Dunleavy-  Parish Administrator
    Email: threeriversgroupcambs[at]
    To make more efficient use of my limited time I will respond to requests
    on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (or sooner if time allows).
  • Safeguarding Officer: -  Mr Mark Walsh
    Mark Walsh, our Parish Safeguarding Officer, has changed his email address.
    Please use the following address for all correspondence with Mark, including on safeguarding matters: markcwalsh.personal[at]

Isleham history on-line

Read about the history of Isleham on the British History Online web site.

A visitor's view of our church

"St Andrew's is a wonderful church – a beautiful building filled with an array of treasures" .

"St Andrew’s has the grandest clerestory we’ve encountered in Cambridgeshire."

Read more....

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Comments about the web site to the webmaster.

Last updated February 15, 2025
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