Andrew's Church, Isleham
A member of the Three Rivers Group
of parishes |
Electoral Roll 2025 and Annual Church Parochial Meeting (ACPM) This year, our church APCM will be held in Chippenham village hall on Wednesday, April 2 at 7pm. The Electoral Roll revision period will begin on February 19 which means that all completed forms will need to be submitted to the Electoral Roll officer of each parish church by March 5. Fordham Church Closure The Church is closed for a few weeks for major renovation work. From Sunday January 19 services will be held in Victoria Hall at 11am until such time as the church reopens. It is estimated that this could be closed for 6 weeks but updates will be given periodically. Have you ever visited your parish church? If you are a new resident of Isleham or perhaps have just never ventured inside your parish church why not do so today. Or perhaps another time would suit you better; the church is usually open every day from abut 9am until about 5pm. At Isleham and Snailwell we hold a service every Sunday at 9.30am at which you will be warmly welcomed. - At Fordham and Chiipenham we hold a service every Sunday at 11am at which you will be warmly welcomed. - There are many surprising and marvellous things to see. Or why not join us at our Isleham choir A reminder that practices are 6:45 -7:30 pm in Isleham social centre. All are welcome, no regular commitment or ability to read music required. For more information contact Mark Walsh Online compline - Wednesdays at 7pm on Zoom Online compline continues on Wednesday evening every week via Zoom at 7:00 p.m. It lasts around 20 minutes and is led collectively by those attending, but all are welcome to just listen and pray as well as taking part. Please contact Mark Walsh if you would like to be added to the weekly link for this service. World Day of Prayer Service - Friday, March 7 This year's Annual World Day of Prayer Service has been prepared by the women of the Cook Islands. Locally the service will be held at St Andrew's Isleham on Friday March 7 10.30 a.m. The theme is 'I made you wonderful'. Everyone is welcome to this service of informed prayer and prayerful action. Refreshments afterwards. Isleham Coffee Morning -Tuesdays 10am-12noon The Tuesday morning coffee and bacon butty crew are back at the St Andrew’s Social Centre , from 10am-12 noon. All welcome. Fordham Coffee Morning next on Friday February 28 The next coffee morning will be held
on 28th February from 10am until Plenty of room and car parking available. ALL
WELCOME. Supporting St Peter's St Andrew’s Festival of Light at Isleham A spectacular display of a large number of decorated and illuminated Chrictmas trees provided by individuals and organisation from Isleham and roundabouts. It is always worth seeing! If you missed it there will be a link to a gallery of photos here soon. Services in the Three Rivers
Group Churches - Sunday February 16
All the orders of service will be found on our website Amen Collect Almighty God, who alone can bring
order to the unruly wills and passions Amen Psalm 1 Readings
Post Communion prayer Merciful Father,
who gave Jesus Christ to be for us the Amen Intercessions Burial::
Baptism: Wedding: ..... Services in the Three Rivers
Group Churches - Sunday February 23
All the orders of service will be found on our website Past events St Andrew’s Festival of Light at Isleham A spectacular display of a large number of decorated and illuminated Chrictmas trees provided by individuals and organisation from Isleham and roundabouts. It is always worth seeing! If you missed it there will be a link to a gallery of photos here soon. Remembrance Sunday - November 10
The anniversary of the USAF Surperfortress bomber crash at Isleham on October 13, 1949 On October 13 in 1949 an USAF Superfortess bomber took off from Lakenheath on a training mission.
On the seventy-fifth anniversary of that event there was a Commemoration at St Andrew's Church on Sunday October 13 to remember those who lost their lives. This commemoration was hosted by the Isleham Parish Council and was attended by senior representatives of the USAF, the RAF and other community organisations. Ehis memorial marks a very important part of our village history.
Bible Studies... Look through Luke Everyone welcome - why not invite a friend Services in the
Three Rivers Group Churches - Sunday November 3
All the orders of service will be found on our website Services in the
Three Rivers Group Churches - Sunday November 10
All the orders of service will be found on our website Isleham Christmas Market
at The Beeches, This year’s Christmas Market at
the Beeches is on Friday November 22 Over 60 stalls of Christmas Crafts.
* Fresh Produce * Food Trucks * Father Christmas will be here too. The Beeches, 32 Mill StreetIsleham CB7 5RY. For more information and
booking form please call 01638 780097 Chippenham Christmas Market on Friday evening November 29 This year’s Christmas Market at
St. Margaret’s is being held on Friday November 29 All donations will be greatly
received for the ‘church stall’Please drop these off Thank you. The Etheldreda Medal Award for Diane Wallis of Kennett The Etheldreda Medal Award is for
persons whose service to community The Bishop’s Commendation for Outstanding Service for Michael Wallis of Snailkwell Michael Wallis, Churchwarden of St Peter’s Church in Snailwell, will receive The Bishop’s Commendation for Outstanding Service in Ely Cathedral on Saturday October at 5.30pm. at Th eBeeches, on Friday Bovember 22 School Assemblies If anyone is keen to join a small team to lead school
assemblies Confirmation There will be a small group preparing to be Confirmed at Ely Cathedral on the evening of Saturday Novemberm 30. If you are thinking about being Confirmed, and might want to join this group, please speak to Revd. Steve. Isleham Coffee Morning -Tuesdays 10am-12noon The Tuesday morning coffee and bacon butty crew are back at the St Andrew’s Social Centre , from 10am-12 noon. All welcome. Foundation Governor Vacancy There is a position becoming available for the start of the new academic year for a Foundation Governor at Isleham Primary School. In the past six months two new parent governors, a co-opted governor with experience in school building project management have joined and an Associate governor has been invited to join who is a local Farm Manager. If you feel that this is something that would interest you, please contact Reverend Stephen @ Past events The Quilts and Quilting
Festival at St Andrew's Isleham View
a whole gallery of photos taken on Friday August 23 View
a whole gallery of photos taken on Friday August 23 View a gallery of photos from the 2014 Quilt Festival he Three Rivers Churches ACPM - Tuesday May 21 The Annual Parochial Church Meeting was held at Chippenham Village Hall on Tuesday, May 21. Peyton Family Visitors - Sunday April 21 On Sunday April 21, we hosted members of the Payton family visiting Isleham for the first timer. There was a congregational buffet lunch at Isleham. Leading your Church into Growth’ Ely Online Diocese conference Have you ever visited your parish church? If you are a new resident of Isleham or perhaps have just never ventured inside your parish church why not do so today. Or perhaps another time would suit you better; the church is usually open every day from abut 9am until about 5pm. There are many surprising and marvellous things to see. We hold a service every Sunday at 9.30am at which you will be warmly welcomed. - Or why not join us at our Isleham Coffee Morning -Tuesdays 10am-12noon The Tuesday morning coffee and bacon butty crew are back at the St Andrew’s Social Centre , from 10am-12 noon. All welcome. Notes from The Rector Morning Prayer is a great way to start the day: for those of you who would like to join in, we gather at 8.15 in the church centre in Isleham on Tuesdays and in the church at Fordham on Wednesdays and Fridays. Technology permitting, I aim to have Morning Prayer available on the churches’ Zoom link at 8.15 each day Tuesday to Saturday. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Fridays this will be from the gathering; on other days it will be just online. Please email me for details of how to join in (see address below). Each day I produce a short set of reflections on the readings for Morning
Prayer the
following day. If you would like to receive these by email, please You can get in touch with me in a number of
ways: my email
address is I take Monday as my day off each
week, so messages which arrive on The Rector’s Daily Reflections Each day I produce a short set of
reflections on the readings for If you would like to
receive these by email, please let me know. You Midweek services update Revd Steve writes: A reminder that all are welcome to join our midweek services, which currently include
he mailing list for online Compline is currently being refreshed, so if you would like to stay on it, or join it anew, please email to let us know1 Fordham Church Gift
Day and Open Day Activities include
No booking required. Refreshments available. Annual Parish Church Meeting (APCM) 2023 Thanks to all those who attended the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in Chippenham on Wednesday May 24. Aa special thanks
to those continuing to stand and newly elected as churchwardens, For those unable
toattend, a copy of the minutes of Wednesday’s meeting will be Diocesan Festal Eucharist - Saturday June 24 at Ely Cathedral On Saturday June 24 at12 noon there was be a Eucharist at Ely Cathedral to celebrate 1350 years since the founding of the first monastery in Ely by St Etheldreda. The Archbishop of York preached and the Bishop of Ely presided. If you missed it you can view a recording of the livestream of the service from this link. The Order of Service can be downlaoded from this link. Carol Taylor - an update We are pleased to inform you that Carol
is now home from Papworth hospital May our thoughts and prayers continue to strengthen Carol and Stephen, at this time. We will ask for ongoing understanding and co-operation as, in the short term, we struggle to re-allocate Carol’s many church commitments across the group. Three Rivers Group Car Scheme A reminder that the Three Rivers Group Car Scheme exists to provide lifts to medical and other appointments when other transport is not available. Some drivers are also offering their services for free to Ukrainians being hosted by families locally. So if you know of someone who needs transport for aparticular purpose, please do pass on the number: 07549 892322 Isleham Coffee Morning -Tuesdays 10am-12noon The Tuesday morning coffee and bacon butty crew will be back at the St Andrew’s Social Centre from 11 Jan, from 10am-12 noon. All welcome. Weekly notice sheet by email We still distribute a copy of the weekly notice sheet by email every Sunday to those who want to keep up-to-date with what's happening in the Group, even when they can't get to church. Please let Caol know if you'd like to receive a copy. Change of email address - Mark Walsh Mark Walsh, our Parish Safeguarding
Officer, has changed his email address. ...................
Dementia Friendly Village - Fordham Fordham is working towards becoming a Dementia Friendly Village. Laura Cox-Watson has agreed to be our Dementia Friends Champion. and Has atteneded some training in Cambridge. and has held two sessions to share with the community what she has learned and discuss how Fordham can move forward with this. Laura is also very keen to gain insight from families who have direct experience of living with Dementia. If anyone would like to contact Laura direct then please do so on either New information about the origin of the Spurgeon Memorial Stone Rev Peter Ling writes The Spurgeon Trundle’ your Church website speaks about ‘One of Isleham’s best-kept secrets is that someone – we are not sure who- placed a memorial stone on the river bank…..’ I am pleased to be able to enlighten you over this matter. A local group of ministers from Isleham, Prickwillow, Soham, Mildenhall, West Row, and Burwell Baptist Churches, the group also included Foreham Congreational, and Littleport Independent Chapel. Were asked to finance the purchase of a stone to commemorate the 125th anniversary of C.H.Spurgeon Baptism in the river Lark. The stone was purchased and laid in the afternoon of November 1975, after the small service on the bank of the river we returned to Pound Lane Baptist Church for tea, then in the evening we had a service to celebrate the Life of C.H.Spurgeon. I sincerely hope that this information puts to rest the mystery of the stone. I myself took part in the service on that evening. I remain faithfully yours. Rev Peter Ling Each year a group marks the anniversary of the baptism of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a famous Victorian Baptist preacher, who preached to many and whose sermons are amongst the best read ever. He was baptised in the River Lark. A simple stone marks the place which is not normally accessible to the public. After a leisurely walk down to the river, we gather to sing hymns, say prayers and read scripture. Meet at the Pond on East Fen Road Isleham
website for the Three Rivers Group
The Three
Rivers Group has a new web site here's a link
Stephens has 'retired' from looking after the website for the Three Rivers
Group, but plans to continue to maintain the website for St Andrew's Isleham.
We have just added a new section to our website on Genealogy. At present we are only offering assistance in looking through records at
Isleham. If anyone would like to volunteer for the other churches please let David know.
Thank You from Mel
I would like to thank everyone for my wonderful and deeply moving send off at each of the churches and a particular thank you to all those who contributed to my incredibly generous leaving gift.
I hope to buy my first cassock from this and remember you all each time I wear it. It has been a truly wonderful two years at the Three Rivers Group, thank you so much for having me and encouraging me, and may God bless you all as you continue to follow God into His promised future for you. He who calls is faithful.
Opportunities Baptism visitors Having previously asked if there were people who were interested in helping us welcome the families of children being baptised by becoming baptism visitors, we'll mention it again in case anyone wants to come forward. Volunteers are needed for the Three Rivers Car Scheme. Please get in touch with Muriel Hoodm on 01638 666722. Prayers for healing We are also considering offering prayers for healing at some of our Sunday services. If anyone is interested in learning some more, please speak to David or Sue. We have in the parish chest a map of Fordham from 1809. This item would be better cared for under archive conditions, so it is our intention to deposit it I the county records office. It will still be accessible to people in Cambridge once deposited. If you would like to look at it before it goes away or you know people who might be interested, please get them to contact
Rev'd David to arrange a time to view. I think we will hope to deposit the map later this year.
Past events VE Day Virtual Service - Friday
May 8 2020 You can listen to a recording
of the service, which was streamed live by David and Hannah Cleugh, on You tube
at the link below. You can download the order of
service from the link below Easter
Monday - DIY Fish breakfast at Karma Farm, Isleham A new
venture led by Mark Fletcher. Barbecues were
supplied by Will Taylor. The Spurgeon Trundle
Saturday May 4
Rev Peter Ling
The Spurgeon
Trundle’ your Church website speaks about ‘One of Isleham’s best-kept
secrets is that someone – we are not sure who- placed a memorial stone on the
river bank…..’ I am pleased to be able to enlighten you over this matter. A
local group of ministers from Isleham, Prickwillow, Soham, Mildenhall, West Row,
and Burwell Baptist Churches, the group also included Foreham Congreational, and
Littleport Independent Chapel. Were asked to finance the purchase of a stone to
commemorate the 125th anniversary of C.H.Spurgeon Baptism in the river Lark. The
stone was purchased and laid in the afternoon of November 1975, after the small
service on the bank of the river we returned to Pound Lane Baptist Church for
tea, then in the evening we had a service to celebrate the Life of C.H.Spurgeon.
I sincerely hope that this information puts to rest the mystery of the stone. I
myself took part in the service on that evening. I remain faithfully yours. Rev
Peter Ling
Each year a group marks the anniversary of the baptism of Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
a famous Victorian Baptist preacher, who preached to many and whose sermons are amongst the best read
ever. He was baptised in the River Lark. A simple stone marks the place which is
not normally accessible to the public. After a leisurely walk down to the river,
we gather to sing hymns, say prayers and read scripture. Meet at the Pond on East Fen Road
Isleham at 3pm next Saturday, May 3. All welcome, including the
disabled and less-abled. for whom we can provide transport. Friendly dogs on leads
welcomed. This was last year...
The 7th annual Spurgeon Trundle
On Saturday May 5 over 30
people (and some dogs) walked from the village to the riverside monument which commemorates
the baptism of Charles William Haddon Spurgeon, The Prince of Preachers, in the River
Lark at Isleham on May 3 1850. In a short act of worship we
sang Amazing Grace and How Great Thou Art and recited the Lord's Prayer.
2018 Food bank Annual Report for The Three
Rivers Group A very big Thank You for the significant amount of donations received from yourselves. The villages comprising the Three Rivers Group
donated 1208 kg of food and other goods.
24 families in the villages comprising the Three Rivers Group received 3-day emergency food supplies.
In total, 146 adults and 140 children were fed. Eco Church One way in which we can show God's love in the world is to show care for the world He created.
In Isleham a small group has started to think about Ecological issues. Are there others who would be interested? Worlington church has already received a bronze and silver Eco Church award and we are thinking about a visit to learn more. Festival of Light at St Andrews Isleham - December 8 and 9
Report of
Training Day ‘Caring for God’s Earth’ Thanks to Bridget Newns-Copper. Click to download PDF (280Kb) Annual Parochial Church Meeting - Reports for download The ACPM held on Tuesday April 24 at Fordham School. A speaker from the Diocesan Stewardship Department made a presnetaion at the start of the meeting. Reports (in PDF format) from the Group and the parishes can be downloaded from the links below: Three Rivers Group Mothers' Union See the Three Rivers Group web site for Mother's Union programme of meetings and events. Mothers’ Union Trip - Thursday June 13 Trip to Emmaus Project at Landbeach leaving at 10.30am. .................... Recent meetings Lent lunches - thank you... Thank you to all those who helped arrange and attended our Lent Lunches. Advent Carol Service at Soham on Monday November 27 A good Advent Carol Service at Soham on Monday, followed by a light lunch and time to socialise. Enjoyed by all who came. Trip for tea at Twenty Pence Garden Centre - September 28 The Mothers' Union Tea Party - August 9 An afternoon Tea Party at St Andrew’s, Isleham Social Centre, to celebrate the anniversary of Mary Sumner, founder of the Mothers' Union. The MU Garden Party at the Bishop's Garden The Garden Party at the Bishop’s Garden was a beautiful evening. Entertainment by the Ely Imps was great. The trip to Denny Abbey and Farm Museum was a very pleasant afternoon. Talk about MU communications and fundraising - May 24 Hazel Williams spoke to us on “MU Fundraising and Communications”. Mothers Union Lent Quiet Day - March 21 An opportunity for quiet reflection and prayer. Tuesday 21 March from 10am – 2.30pm at St John’s Church, Waterbeach. Entitled “Praying in Lent – Letting Go”, led by Rev’d Valerie Kilner – Coffee/Tea provided. Bring your own packed lunch. For more information and a lift contact Helen Banyard on 721616. Three Rivers Lady Day service - March 24 Three Rivers Lady Day service was at Burwell on March 24, followed by lunch. Talk about China - February 15 The MU had a very interesting evening on February 15 hearing Sue Murfitt talk on the Life and Culture of China”. Mothers' Union sponsored walk - October 15 MU is holding a sponsored walk on Saturday October 15. Meet at Burwell Church at 3pm. There are two walks. One, along the Dyke to Reach (5 miles) and the second, circuits of the churchyard at Lode (for the less mobile). Jenny and Ren Bowen and Helen Banyard are walking please see Helen, 721616, for sponsor forms and/or further information. Garden Party - August 9 We celebrated 140 years of our organisation with a Garden Party at Fordham Vicarage on 9th August – Mary Sumner Day, who founded the Mothers’ Union. Some members from Burwell joined us, as did over twenty of our members and supporters and we enjoyed afternoon tea with the marquee decorated with bunting made by our members (thanks to Jackie Naylor for sewing it together). A big thanks to all those who contributed sandwiches, scones and cake which
were much enjoyed and to Jenny Bowen for her help with providing the pretty crockery etc. On Thursday July 21
we enjoyed a super outing through the Suffolk countryside. Mothers' Union branch meeting - June 20 A big thank to the
members who helped make the MU bunting for parish social events,
particularly Jackie Naylor and Jenny Bowen for their input. Mothers' Union branch meeting - April 28 Our branch meeting on Thursday April 28 was at St. Peter’s Snailwell, where Dr Stephen Taylor told us the history of our round towered church. It was followed by a lunch at the George & Dragon, Snailwell. Mothers' Union Deanery Lady Day service - April 4 The Deanery Lady Day Service which this year took place at Lode Church on Monday April 4. Lent lunches Our three Mothers'
Union Lent Lunches have been very successful and raised over £460. We
are sending all of this money to MU Projects Worldwide. 2 x
£100 – “Salt and Light” – which establishes self help
groups in churches to help the wider communities. 4 x
£40 – “Going the extra mile” –to fund development
co-ordinators. 2 x £50 – “Helping Hand” – training parenting facilitators group. Lent lunch at Chippenham on March 9 Our final
Lent lunch was at Chippenham on Wednesday March 9 at Chippenham Village Hall
from Noon–1.30pm. Women’s World Day of Prayer 2016 - Friday March 4 This year this service for everyone was on Friday March 4 at St. Andrew’s Church, Isleham. It was written by the women of Cuba and has a Caribbean flavour. 10am Coffee, lemonade and Cuban biscuits. 10:30am Service, followed by refreshments in Isleham Social Centre. We had a small choir to lead the singing . Lent lunch February 22 Another great turnout for our second Lent Lunch – this time at Isleham. The homemade soup, sandwiches, fruit, tea and coffee were again very popular. A big thank
you to Gill Savage and Mary Wightman for the lovely soup and Angie and Betty
Ashley for their contributions. Our third and final Lent Lunch is at Chippenham Village Hall on Wednesday March 9 from noon–1.30pm. Everyone is welcome. All proceeds will go to MU project overseas and we will announce our final total of money raised and the projects supported later in the pewsheet. Lent lunch February 15 Our first Lent Lunch on a cold day was a great success. The weather brought out many who enjoyed the homemade soup, sandwiches, fruit, tea and coffee at the Victoria Hall, Fordham and we had to get out extra seating. A big thank you to Jenny Bowen, Jacky Naylor and Jean Bayes for all their hard work in giving us an enjoyable lunch and a time to socialise. Update on local foodbanks - February 8 We
had a very good meeting on February 8, with many thanks to Howard
Laver who gave us a very interesting talk on Local Foodbanks. Craft, cookery and coffee morning - January 11 A big thank you to Gaynor for a very enjoyable Craft and Coffee morning demonstration of two delicious cakes – Blueberry Muffins and Hello Dolly Bars. Some of us enjoyed lunch at La Hogue Café. 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence from November 25 This is the third year Three Rivers Mothers’ Union is supporting this campaign. There will be prayer trees with the opportunity to pray for many who suffer or have suffered physical and mental violence. A very big thank you to everyone who has donated toiletries etc. to women’s refuges in Cambridgeshire during the 16 Days of Activism. The response has been overwhelming and many of the donations have already been handed on to those who will benefit from them and your gifts, thoughts and prayers are much appreciated. Christmas lunch - December 7 Members of the Three Rivers branch of the Mothers’ Union enjoyed an excellent Christmas Lunch at the Walnut Tree, Worlington. The food and the company contributed towards a very relaxed and enjoyable time together. Mothers'
Union Deanery Coffee
Morning - September 25 Deanery MU Coffee Morning was held at Chippenham Village Hall on Friday September 25. Stalls included Cake & Produce, Books, MU Cards and Refreshments. AGM
- September 21 Our AGM took place at Fordham Victoria Hall September 21. A day trip to Eleveden - August 27 Day Trip to Elveden with lunch. Day Trip to Highway Garden Centre - July 10 A big thank you to Gaynor and Jenny for the smooth organisation of our trip to Highway Garden Centre and the Van Dal Shoe Retail Outlet. The weather was fine and a good time had by all. Jo Wibberley Jo Wibberley, Diocesan Vice President, has been cycling around our churches in the Deanery these past couple of weeks, in all weathers. Members of the MU have also accompanied her. Thanks to everyone who gave their time, especially Helen.
good members’ day too on Wednesday May 20 in Cambridge. Ten members attended the Diocesan Garden Party and enjoyed the setting and the roses. It was an excellent evening with strawberries, shortbread and cream with fizz! The Ely Imps Singing Group entertained us and it was a good opportunity to mix with other MU members. A
great talk about Fordham's history by Dr Stephen Taylor at Fordham
Church on St Barnabas’ Day. Many thanks. Kathy Carver gave an
excellent talk about heart problems and the care we all need to take to
keep our hearts healthy. It was lovely to see many new faces as
the talk appealed to many members of our congregations. A visit to the National Stud at Newmarket on Friday April 24 We made a visit to the National Stud at Newmarket on Friday April 24. Spring Diocesan Day and annual meeting Monday April 20 Spring
Diocesan Day and annual meeting was held on Monday April 20 at St
Peter's in March 10am–1pm. Deanery Lady Day Service Wednesday March 25 Our Deanery Lady Day Service was on Wednesday March 25 in Lode Church. Lent lunches 2015 This year we held Lent Lunches at Fordham, Isleham and Chippenham. A big thank you to those who have provided homemade soup and sandwiches and those who have supported these lunches, our final total was over £300 which will go to MU Worldwide projects.
Mothers' Union - February 4 We met on Wednesday February 4 at Chippenham Village Hall where our speaker is Sue Potts who took the title “God’s work – our hands” as her theme. Craft and cookery demonstration and lunch - January 12 We met for a craft and cookery demonstration with coffee and cake at Gaynor’s home in Snailwell , followed lunch at La Hogue. Mothers'
Union Christmas lunch - December 8 Sixteen members enjoyed a lot of excellent food and laughter in a lovely location at The Beeches, Isleham.
16 Days of Activism Against Domestic Abuse November 25 – December 10 This is the second year the Mothers’ Union has supported this social action and there is a prayer tree in each of our churches. Please read the information provided with the tree and use the labels provided to write a prayer for those who have or still suffer from domestic abuse. For more information concerning domestic abuse both in Britain and worldwide contact Helen Banyard 721616. Flower Arranging - November 25 A
big thank you to Gaynor Ryan for demonstrating and teaching others to
arrange a Christmas Table Centre, ably assisted by Jenny Bowen. A
delightful, relaxing evening, enjoyed by all who attended and a request
for another similar evening nearer Easter was suggested. Money donated
will go to MU charities. Mothers' Union AGM - September 26 The Mothers’ Union AGM is on Friday September 26 at Chippenham Village Hall from 10am. Followed by lunch at La Hogue Café. All welcome. Visit by Sheringham MU -July 11 Janice Pope and members of Sheringham MU visited Ely and Isleham on Friday July 11. They met up with the Three Rivers Group MU for Afternoon Tea in the gardens of the Social Centre followed by a service at St. Andrew’s Church, Isleham.
Meeting on June 18 Thanks
so much to Malcolm and Liz Barber for inviting us to their home for a
super and illuminating talk on the Knights Templars. It was both
fascinating and informative and we could have stayed much longer and
heard more. Perhaps we can persuade him to give a further talk
sometime in the future. Three
Rivers Mothers’ Union new banner
The Mothers’ Union Magazine, Families First The
Mothers’ Union Magazine, Families First, is now available in some
branches of Sainsburys, W H Smith and local newsagents. Locally it can be bought for £2.50 from Central House, Burwell, W H Smith Cambridge and Tindalls Newsagents Newmarket and Ely Station. It is an excellent family magazine and we encourage you to give it a try. Purpose, Aim and Objects The purpose of the Mothers’ Union is to be specially concerned with all that strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life. The Aim of the Society is the advancement of the Christian religion in the sphere of marriage and family life. In order to carry out its Aim, its Objects:
Taize service - streamed on Zoom at 6pm on Sunday July 19 2020 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 840 1497 0357 You may download and view, and optionally print, the service sheet from the link below:
taize-sunday-july192020.pdf Confirmation - Saturday November 24 Christine Hewitt was confirmed on Saturday November 24 at at Ely Cathedral.
November 11 - Armistice
Snailwell Flower Festival of Hymn-themed Floral displays - May 26-27 There will be a Flower Festival in the church at Snailwell on May 26 and Sunday May The Hymn-themed floral arrangements will be on display from 10.30am–6pm and refreshments will be available. The festival ends with Songs of Praise on Sunday at 4pm.
Andrew's Church, Isleham, Cambridgeshire The Church was open to view over 40 illuminated Christmas trees decorated by local groups and businesses and attracted many visitors. The Community Carols service on Sunday December 10 was very well attended.
The institution of the Rev’d David Cleugh - October 20 at Fordham
There was a good turnout with excellent music during the service and splendid refreshments afterwards. Thanks to all who helped to make it a great occasion. We welcome David and his family to the Diocese. David and his wife Hannah, who is the Senior Chaplain to the Bishop of Ely, will live at the vicarage in Fordham. A big thank you to everyone who helped to make Rev’d David’s service of Institution such a special occasion. Special thanks to Head Mrs Kate Coates for making the school community space available for refreshments after the service.
Bring and Share Harvest supper at St Andrew's Isleham
New Rector appointed for the Three Rivers Group The Rev'd David Cleugh has been appointed as Rector for the Three Rivers Group David is currently Priest-in-charge of the parishes of Leadgate, Medomsley and Ebchester in the Diocese of Durham. All are
invited to the institution and installation of the Rev’d David Cleugh by
the David describes himself as a 'liberal Anglocatholic, vegetable grower, dog walker and Mansfield Town fan". David and his wife, Hannah, will reside in the vicarage in Fordham. The Rev'd Dr Hannah Cleugh, formerly Chaplain and Solway Fellow of University College, Durham, has been appointed by the Bishop of Ely as his Senior Chaplain. She is a board member of Affirming Catholicism. August Bank Holiday weekend - Quilts and Quilting at St Andrew's Isleham - Saturday 26 & Sunday 27 Over the August Bank Holiday we held a very successful Quilts and Quilting exhibition and workshops by ‘Peacemakers’ Group, with refreshments made available in the church Social Centre. Annual Band & Blossom Concert with
BBQ The Annual Band & Blossom Concert featuring the Newmarket Town Band, with a BBQ, was held in the Isleham Social Centre Garden on Sunday May 14. The event was inaugurated to commemorate the life of Graham Wells. Berkeley Castle to Berkeley Close 1500 miles in just over a week in a Berkeley T60 with Geoff Dabrowa - May 8-14
Update: Sadly, Barry's car broke down on the first day and after a series of dramatic breakdowns - and repairs - Geoff too was prevented from from completing the planned itinerary. However he covered over 800 miles, arriving at Berkeley Close in Biggleswade on Sunday afternoon May 14, (the site of the old Berkeley factory). Many thanks to all who enabled us to meet our goal of raising over £1,500 for Cancer Research. Download an A4 flyer which shows the route and planned daily schedule (PDF file). Geraldine and I have been active members of our village church, St Andrew's Isleham for 40 years. Geraldine had great support from the Church family and Macmillan Nurses, since being diagnosed and successfully treated for breast cancer last year. We aimed to raise £1500 for Macmillan Cancer Support (one £ for every mile of our journey. Anyone wishing to donate can do so on my “Just Giving” site and gift aid if possible. Alternatively post a cheque to me made out to “ Macmillan Cancer Support”. Geoff Babrowa, 22 Beck Rd, Isleham, Ely, Cambs. CB7 5SA tel 01638-780500. The Section 12 meeting with the Archdeacon, the Ven Dr Alex Hughes, and the Rev Sue Giles the new Rural dean, to discuss the Parish Profile, and what skills and characteristics the parishes would like in a new priest was held on Tuesday May 9 at Fordham School. About 25-30 people attended the meeting. The vacancy is now advertised on the Ely Diocese web site:
The 6th Annual Spurgeon Trundle - Saturday May 6
On Saturday May 6 about twenty of us walked from the pond in East Fen Road Isleham, via Ferry Drove to the River Lark on our Annual Spurgeon Trundle. We gathered there by the monument to the Reverend Charles Haddon Spurgeon, who was famous as The Prince Of Preachers. He was baptised there in the river in 1850, and we commemorated the occasion with a very short act of worship. Evensong at Jesus College - Tuesday May 2 The patron of Fordham and Kennett, Jesus College, invited us to attend choral Evensong in the College Chapel in Cambridge after a short talk from the Dean of College. Farewell Mike and Helen The farewell Group Eucharist at Isleham last Sunday was a very special time. It was very moving for us, write Mike & Helen, and we are extremely grateful for your very generous gift to us both. It will come in very handy for all the work we are having done to our house in Ely. So THANKS. Very much appreciated. It will be difficult to move on, but these times come to us all, and we support and encourage one another on the journey. You have certainly encouraged and supported us in our ministry with you in these churches and these villages for the past fourteen years. I still have some weddings and baptisms to take, so will see you from time to time. Lunch on Monday at Chippenham Park was another super day, which I hope and pray all enjoyed too. Over 200 of us gathered for a superb hog roast from La Hogue, with salads and desserts. Our grateful thanks to Hugo and Becca Nicolle and Eustace Crawley for their great generosity, and to Louise, Yvette and all their helpers with the food and drink. Peter Maxwell and family make splendid bar persons, and Liz made a very special cake. Judy Burbidge made the table decorations to round off a brilliant day. Thanks again. God bless. Election of Churchwardens - Sunday April 23 The election of Churchwardens was held after the principal service in each church on Sunday April 23. Rob Savage and Kathy Carver were elected as Churchwardens for St Andrew's Isleham. The
Student Cross - 2017
They stayed overnight in the Victoria Hall in Fordham and Jenny Bowen and her team of helpers fed them supper and then rose early for the students’ breakfast before their walk on Wednesday. They joined us for Compline on Tuesday evening: it is a delight to be able to offer hospitality to them.
Floods, Droughts and Sausages! - October 8
at Karma Farm
A super Saturday at Karma Farm. Many thanks to Bridget, Will and Sheila for hosting and Kath for the catering. Nigel and Alastair for leading us on this Christian Aid event. This Autumn Barbecue event was run by St Andrew's Church, Isleham, and sponsored by Christian Aid as part of their nationwide Week of Action (8-16 October), to tell the government, ahead of upcoming environmental legislation, that we want powerful laws to combat climate change and protect places we love, for example, in our parish, The Wash, with its precious bird life. Alistair Burn told us about the winter migrants that will be starting to arrive, and Nigel Cooper talked about the threats posed to Fenland wetland habitats by climate change. Pet service - at Snailwell on September 25
Many thanks to Sue, Helen and Carol for a super service.
Gift Day at Isleham - July 16 Thanks to all who
have donated contributions to our Gift Day. It is too early yet to say
how much we have been given, so thanks to everyone who did and to all
those who were in church to receive the gifts. Band,
Blossoms and BBQ - May 15 This annual event was held at the St Andrew's Social Centre, Isleham on Sunday May 15. Featuring the Newmarket Town Band, a full barbecue and homemade desserts, and a licensed bar; all those who attended enjoyed a good time. Congratulations to Sue and David Congratulations to Sue and David on the safe arrival of their grandson Sacha for Emily and Phil on Wednesday April 20. The Student Cross
Easter Day Dawn Service Prom Praise Thanks to Roy and Janet Vatcher for organising the super visit to Prom Praise in the Royal Albert Hall. Isleham
Church of England (VC) School Head retires Nicola
Bramley, the Head Teacher at Isleham School for the past eight years, is
retiring on Maundy Thursday. She has made a tremendous difference to the school.
The church and the whole village and staff, pupils and Governors will thank her
at the school service at 2 pm on Maundy Thursday. Nicola will continue to live in Fordham. Dawn and Rhian will be leading the school as Acting Heads in the summer term, and Sarah Skillern will take up the reins as the new Head in September. Sponsor a
'Real Easter Egg' Last year many members of our church family generously sponsored Fairtrade ‘Real Easter Eggs’ to be given to children who come to Messy Church, and we'll do it again this year. Sue
reports that, “there has been a fantastic response to the request for
sponsoring Real Easter Eggs. We have 30 eggs for the children who attend Messy
church and some money to put aside for next year’s eggs.” Many thanks to
everyone who contributed so generously. Lent lunches Our three
Mothers' Union Lent Lunches have been very successful and raised over £400. Festival
of light at St Andrew's Isleham A magnificent event with tons of hard work from everybody concerned. Many thanks to Mark and Nettie for leading the community carols on Sunday at 4pm. Final results as soon as they are known. See pictures from a previous Festival of Light... Ministry
team It’s a real delight to welcome back Carol Taylor as a Licensed Lay Minister to our Group, and Stephen too. Already we are witnessing their strong and prayerful presence among us. Welcome back. Also welcome
to Duncan Dalais, a retired priest who lives in Chippenham and who has
Permission to Officiate in our Group and across the Diocese too. I am delighted
that he will be taking services and assisting us all in our ministries here. Etheldreda Medal for Terry Cross The Diocese has instituted a new medal in recognition of the immense contribution so many make not only to their home church, but also to the local community. Terry Cross of Chippenham has been awarded one of the 11 medals given out this year and received it at our Cathedral at Evensong on October 17, St Etheldreda's Day. Congratulations to him! A special service at Ely Cathedral On Sunday September 27 to launch the Strategy, Ely 2025. People fully alive. A strategy for growth. The service to launch the Strategy, Ely 2025. People fully alive. A strategy for growth, was held at our cathedral on Sunday, September 27. Thanks to Peter Maxwell who has been instrumental from our parishes in working on this. Mothers'
Union Deanery Coffee
Morning - September 25 Deanery MU Coffee Morning was held at Chippenham Village Hall on Friday September 25. Stalls included Cake & Produce, Books, MU Cards and Refreshments. Mike Banyard appointed Rural Dean
Steven has appointed Mike to be Rural Dean of Fordham and Quy Deanery as from
now. Archdeacon Alex
licensed Sue as Associate Priest and commissioned Mike as Rural Dean of Fordham
and Quy Deanery on Thursday August 20. 70th
anniversary of the end of WW2 A superb
Veterans lunch at the Victoria Hall on Saturday September 12 with many from
our five parishes present. Huge thanks to Andrew Mead, who paid for it
all, Louize Hurst, Yvette Hill and Anomi and her daughter for helping
prepare and serve the food and for the willing band of volunteer helpers and
the Fordham Guides who made the event so special. That evening the concert in church was tremendous. Thanks to John Pryke and the Charity Group for all their work. The concert raised over £1600 for the Church, the Fordham Charity Group and The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Above all our thanks to Brenda Lee for her inspiration and detailed work in making sure everything went very smoothly. Our Commemoration concluded with the Group Service at Fordham, on Sunday September 20. A time with folk from all five churches in our parish, super music, and a good time to give thanks. We have purchased a commemorative mug for each primary school child in our parishes, and will give them out soon.
dresses and Christening robes exhibition An exhibition of wedding dresses and Christening robes will take place of Saturday August 29 and Sunday August 30 in the church. Refreshments will be available in the Social Centre. The exhibition will be open, and refreshments available, between 10am and 5pm. There are nearly thirty wedding dresses on display along with other memorabilia of the wedding days. Two dresses are over one hundred years old, another has been worn by three generations of brides.
The 'Polar Explorers' Holiday Club met at The Victoria Hall in Fordham from 9.30am-noon, from Tuesday to Friday. Each day the children embarked on a 'mini expedition' in which they found out about a Biblical character through story and song, arts, crafts and games, and learn that they too can be part of God's 'Big Expedition.' A huge vote of thanks to Revd Sue, Emma, and the tremendous group of leaders who made this year’s holidays club such a success. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their time and learned a great deal about God’s love and grace in all our lives. Many thanks too, to Rob Savage who constructed the awesome sledge and to so many who made unique and creative contributions throughout the week. Our Holiday Club is now a well established and well loved part of our mission so thank you to everyone who helped and to everyone else who through their prayers grounded the whole activity in God’s love for us. St Andrew's Gift Day - Saturday July 18
Friends, Isleham Gala July 4 Thanks to all who contributed to our stall at the Gala, we raised over £150. St Andrew's Isleham Clear up - Saturday June 20 The church has been transformed and much clutter has gone. Huge thanks to all who came along and helped. The flower room and vestry are clear and all the lights now work! Thanks. Flower festival at St Andrew's Soham - May 23-25
On the left you see a 'floral' arch the near part of which was provided by the Foodbank in Soham. The 'flowers' were all created from rubbish and food packaging.
The photo on the right is of the Mothers' Union display.
Band and BBQ Garden Party in
memory of Graham Wells The rain held off and everyone enjoyed the splendid Newmarket Town Band and the excellent barbecue and homemade salads and desserts, not to mention the licensed bar. Over £800 was raised for church funds. Thanks to all who helped in any way to make the day a great success. The Spurgeon Trundle May 9 2015 On a windy
but pleasantly sunny Saturday afternoon at 3 o' clock, some twenty-five men,
women, children, and a dog called Abby set off from the duck pond in East Fen
Road, Isleham, on the 2015 Spurgeon Trundle. For those who
haven't heard of the Trundle before, it consists of a leisurely annual walk down
East Fen Road, and then along Ferry Drove, to the place at the River Lark where
the great Reverend Charles Haddon Spurgeon was Baptised on the 3rd of May in
1850. He had walked all the way from Newmarket to Pound Lane Church - here in
Isleham - especially for that occasion. One of Isleham's best-kept secrets is
that someone - we are not sure who - placed a memorial stone on the river
bank over forty years ago, to mark the occasion where such an eminent Christian
began his Baptised Ministry. He was
known as 'The Prince Of Preachers,' because during his lifetime, he preached to
over 10 million people; all this long before the days of radio and television!
It's worth looking him up on the internet -
- as he had such an extraordinary career, which has been,
and still is, revered worldwide. This Trundle
has now become an annual Isleham event, and is something like Chaucer's
'Canterbury Tales,' in the way that those who made the 'pilgrimage' made friends
with each other, chatted about all sorts of things on the way, and shared
stories with each other. At the monument itself, there was a short act of
worship, beginning with The Lord's Prayer, and then the singing of the hymn,
'Jerusalem,' and 'The Grace,' and finally three cheers for Spurgeon! Each 'trundler'
was given a brief souvenir handout, which included a photo of last year's
'pilgrims,' some facts about Spurgeon, and an appropriate extract from one of
his sermons that he had specially addressed to the farming community. Next year,
the Trundle will take place on Saturday the 7th of May 7 starting at 3pm,
so put it in your diaries now while you think of it - and, if you've never
joined us before, come and do The 2016 Spurgeon Trundle: you'll love it! Christopher Goodwins The Annual Parochial Church Meeting April 28 An excellent meeting at our primary school in Isleham saw some 32 members present. There
were quite a few apologies this year as the choirs were meeting at Ely to
rehearse for the festival in May and it was the sole rehearsal! All
present contributed to an overview of what had been good in the past year and
came up with this list:
challenges for the year ahead include:
Please share your thoughts with the Ministry Team and with Churchwardens and PCC members about how we can pray our way into the future. Jenny Gage licensing - Easter day Jenny Gage was licensed on Easter Day at Haddenham to the Grunty Fen group. We wish her well in this new stage of her ministry. Holy week
They stayed at Fordham’s Victoria Hall on the Tuesday night. They joined with us for Compline and Address on the Tuesday evening and then after their breakfast, they had a short service in church at 8am before they set off for Methwold the longest day on their pilgrimage. It was good to welcome this group to the Parish on Tuesday. Many thanks to Jenny, Doreen and Barbara for preparing dinner on Tuesday and breakfast on Wednesday morning, really early. We hope to welcome them again next year. New roof for the Social Centre at St Andrew's Isleham Many thanks for the most generous gift of a new roof for the Social Centre at St Andrew’s in Isleham. A parishioner saw the state of the roof, and offered to pay for complete re-roofing, so THANKS. It is all very much appreciated, and the roof looks great too. The builders also put new insulation in the roof and evicted the squirrels which have since returned.. Lent courses 2015 This year there were three groups; Sue led the group at Isleham hosted by the Vatchers; Mike led the group at Fordham; and Jan and James Broad hosted and led the group at Chippenham. We used materials produced by the Diocese of Norwich called Mapping Lent which were very interesting. Lent lunches 2015 This year we held Lent Lunches at Fordham, Isleham and Chippenham. A big thank you to those who have provided homemade soup and sandwiches and those who have supported these lunches.
Club Shrove Tuesday A super time
was had by 37 children and a goodly number of helpers in activities, song and
fun. A huge thank you to Sue and all who helped to make it such a success.
The morning finished with pancakes, of course, and our fervent hope that many
will return for our holiday club in the summer. Fare well to Jenny and Andrew
And thanks to all who helped with the refreshments at the Bowls Club in Fordham when we said fare well to Jenny Gage and Andrew. Jenny will be
in South Africa from Friday onwards for about a month, and will be licensed on
Easter Day at 4pm at Haddenham. We will go over and support her in this new
stage in her ministry.
There was a stunning display of about forty decorated illuminated Christmas trees. There was a Christmas Fayre on December 6, and on December 14 a Carol Service 4pm. You can view some more photos from the displays in previous years.
Remembrance Sunday - November 9 In Isleham we met around the War memorial at 10.45am, and then moved on to church which was full. The Service was led by the Rev'd Nigel Cooper, Chaplain of Anglia Ruskin University. Becca's licensing - October 20 at Haslingfield Rev’d Becca Gilbert was licensed in the Lordship Group on Monday 20 October at 7.30pm at Haslingfield Church. Thanks to all who attended from the Three Rivers groups churches. Harvest supper at St Andrew's - Saturday September 27
A splendid Harvest supper was enjoyed by members of the congregation and the wider community.
Thanks to all who contributed and attended.
Fordham Flower
Festival - September 20 and 21 Quilts and quilting display at St Andrew's Isleham - August Bank Holiday weekend The
and Quilting display was superb. The church was full to the brim with
wonderfully crafted quilts of all sizes and colours, demonstrating
skill, great craftsmanship and invention. It was also good to see so
many old and new friends alike visiting the church and social centre.
Grateful thanks to all those who gave their time so willingly to make
this a fantastic weekend.
Farewell to Becca, Rich and family - August 17
Becca and Rich have made a tremendous difference in the parishes and will be sorely missed. Becca & Rich would like to say a huge thank you for a wonderful send off on Sunday 17, it was lovely to see so many of you there and we will cherish very special memories of our time with you all. Thank you also for the generous gifts too. Please do keep in touch, and as of Wednesday August 27, our new address will be the New Vicarage, Broad Lane, Haslingfield CB23 1JF. Much love, The Gilberts x Becca's licensing will be on Monday October 20, at 7.30pm at Haslingfield. Group service at Fordham at 10.30am Sunday August 3 The only morning service in the Three Rivers group this Sunday celebrated the Mega Makers Holiday Club. A fantastic week with tremendous thanks to the huge team of willing helpers making this a significant contribution to our outreach to children in the Three Rivers group. Rob Savage made a magnificent Mega Machine which featured in our service. Many, many thanks to Rich Gilbert and Janine Taylor who led the week so successfully. St Andrew's Isleham Gift Day - July 19 St Andrew's Isleham Gift Day was on Saturday July19.Christian Aid Walk and collection 2014
The Christian Aid Walk and collection made over £1000 – way up on last year. Deanery Evensong at Isleham - June 8 It was great to welcome Bishop Stephen and so many others from the churches across the deanery. Our worship was great and the social time afterwards was a tremendous opportunity to get to know each other better. See you at the next one! The
2014 Isleham Spurgeon Trundle Christopher
Goodwins writes - On the 3rd of May, a Saturday afternoon that couldn't
have been sunnier, about thirty people met at the pond in East Fen Road,
to begin the second annual Spurgeon trundle. At 3
o'clock precisely, after three blasts on a vuvuzela (reminiscent of the
rams' horn trumpets at Jericho) we set off along the track, rather like
the pilgrims in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The time seemed to pass very
quickly as we talked, and laughed, and got to know each other, and
before we knew it, we were at the left turn into Ferry Drove. Some
who had earlier gone by car met us and walked the last hundred yards to
the river bank, where we assembled for a short act of worship, and
commemorated the Baptism of 'The Prince Of Preachers,' - the Reverend
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, on that very day, 164 years ago. The
occasion concluded with three cheers for Spurgeon being made, after
which no one seemed to want to go home, but stood around in small groups
listening to stories about old Isleham, and the ferry, and what Baptisms
were like there years ago - within living memory of some of the people
there. Group photographs were taken, but no baptisms took place on this
occasion, except for Millie, the golden Labrador who demonstrated how it
should be done, by diving straight into the water. Isleham
residents were well represented, as were people from Worlington, Barton
Mills, Fordham, and the three Isleham Churches. Peter Flatt had kindly
mown the grass on the bank a day or two before, which made access much
easier. "Next
year in Jerusalem" was not exactly the cry made by people leaving
the site, but it was suggested that it could well become a picnic in
future years, for those who were prepared to trundle along the paths to
Isleham's best-kept secret - the Spurgeon's Baptismal stone on the banks
of the river Lark, at the site of the old Ferry. A new kneeler - February 2014 We have a splendid new kneeler made and donated by the Edwards family and dedicated to Cyril Edwards 1937-2013. David Kightley
The funeral service for the late Rev’d David Kightley wwas held on Friday December 20 at Chippenham Church and afterwards at Chippenham Village Hall.
David was Priest in Charge of Isleham, Chippenham and Snailwell, and lived in Chippenham from 1976 - 1996. Much loved, he built up the congregation at Isleham from a handful to around 70. He had excellent relationships with the High St and Pound Lane churches.
Carols at Limestone Close - December 20
The choir led an evening of carol singing at Limestone Close on Friday December 20 at in the Community Room. Festival
of Light at St Andrew's Isleham - December 7/8 and 14/15
The Christmas Market was on Saturday December 7 and the Christmas trees were in place for both weekends of this great festival. The Community Carol Service was on Sunday December 15 at 4pm and very well attended. The new Isleham Post Office - opened December 5 The new Isleham Post Office at the St Andrew's Social Centre was officially opened by the Venerable John Beer, Archdeacon of Cambridge, on Thursday December 5. The new Post Office will be open from 9am-5.30pm Monday to Friday and from 9am-12.30pm on Saturday. There will be restrictions on parking at the Social Centre, at least during Post Office opening hours, to avoid damage to the gardens.
Drive & Stride 2013 Rich Gilbert (Becca’s husband) raised £450, half of which goes to the Three Rivers Group, by cycling to all five Group churches; he visited 44 churches altogether travelling over 70 miles. Funds raised are shared between the Group and Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust, who organise the event.
Last week, we started Messy Church in Fordham. 15 children and their parents turned up for an afternoon of craft, play, worship and food. A great team of helpers led under Becca’s supervision.
will do Messy Church once a month every month from now on. If you know
anyone who would like to take part, or you would like to help in any way
please do speak to one of the Ministry Team, but Becca in the first
instance. Summer
Social at St. Andrew’s Church - Saturday and Sunday, August 24 and 25 The annual St Andrew's Church Summer Social was held at the Social Centre over the Bank Holiday weekend. Many
thanks to all who ran and supported this great weekend. We raised over £1,300,
so a welcome addition to church funds. Pyramid Rock - August 2013 Pyramid Rock Was a tremendous experience both for the young people who took part (some 30 in all) and for the parishes!! This is the first time we have mounted a Holiday Club for some time. They used to be held in both Isleham and Fordham in the past. It was good too to have such a supportive group of adults leading each of the three groups, contributing to games and sport, leading the music, providing the refreshments, organising the crafts and being prepared to help those who might be injured (mercifully that skill was not called on much). The group service on Sunday at Fordham was both well attended and a real delight. It was good to share refreshments after the service and then for so many to be at the BBQ in the Vicarage Garden to celebrate the end of the week. Becca and Rich and so many others played a great role in ensuring this was a huge success. THANKS. It is and was very much appreciated. Archdeacon's Visitation - St Andrew's Isleham - May 29 The Archdeacon's Visitation to swear in churchwardens was held at St Andrew's Isleham on Wednesday May 29 at 7.30pm. Over 80 people attended. The visit to the Spurgeon baptismal stone - May 3 2013
He earned the title of 'The Prince Of Preachers,' because his sermons proved to be the most powerful means of persuading thousands of people to become Christians.
Even more surprising is the fact that so few people today even know of its existence, and few have ever seen it. Of all the things that Isleham is known for, the guide books are remarkably silent about the huge importance to the Christian Church of the Baptism of this remarkable clergyman.
year, May 3 falls on a Saturday. Now that we all have a year's notice, maybe we
could arrange to have our choirs, a brass band, and some hearty hymn-singing at
the Spurgeon baptismal stone? Maybe a different aspect of his Ministry each year
could be featured, maybe some snippets from some of his sermons, and full Media
coverage? Want to know more about Charles Spurgeon?: Kate’s Institution - December 18 A lovely evening when 35 members of our churches went to Great Hormead to support Kate, Daniel, Emma and Alice at Kate’s institution as Priest-in-Charge of her new parishes there. Thanks to everyone who came. It was a great evening.
Isleham Festival
of Light A
wonderful two weekends of the whole community coming together to
celebrate Advent and all our preparations for Christmas. The Carol
Service last Sunday was super, so a big vote of thanks to all who made
it works so well. We collected about £1,500 towards church funds. Thanks. If you have never been been this year you missed an impressive display of nearly 40 illuminated Christmas trees, donated and decorated by local groups and businesses. Click here to view some pictures of the Festival of Light in 2007 There were more than 45 Christmas trees on display in 2010 as shown in the panoramic image below. Click and drag to rotate the panorama, and use the + and - keys to zoom in and out.
Canon Tim Elbourne's final services - November 25
Tim has been in Ely since 1998, and has been Associate Priest here in the Three Rivers Group for the past 12 years. His ministry has been highly valued here and we shall all miss him.
It was so good to welcome our three schools into church for their Harvest Festivals. Over 600 children, staff, parents and grandparents attended at Fordham, Isleham & Kennett. A further 250 attended our Harvest Festivals, all followed by Harvest Suppers. Thanks to everyone who contributed, delivered produce and made Harvest such a time of thanksgiving for all. St Andrew's Summer Social weekend - August 25 & 26 A great weekend of activities last week at Isleham to welcome cyclists from Mildenhall, and many others too. We raised about £1,300. Thanks to all who worked so hard! Come and Sing Evensong - June 9 2012 The "Come and Sing evensong" organised by the Archdeaconry of Cambridge Church Music Society on the theme of A Summer Of Celebration at St. Andrew’s, Isleham yesterday was a splendid event. It was open to singers in the Archdeaconry. Music included works by Purcell and Stanford. Many thanks to Mark Liversidge for making this happen in our parish. Isleham Festival of Light - November 26-28 2010 The Isleham Festival of Light was celebrated over the weekend November 26-28 to mark the beginning of Advent. There were more than 45 Christmas trees on display. Sundays@6 Rave in the Nave in the Styx Following the success of last year’s ‘Sponsored Sleep-Over in Church’ for Children in Need St.Andrew’s, Isleham hosted another fundraising event on Sunday 15th December. Their Rave in the Nave in the Styx, inspired by the huge annual event at Ely cathedral, raised over £400 and everyone involved had a great time. There were three bands; Unauthorised, comprising young people who attend Soham Village College; DOC, an established band of local 17/18 year olds; and The Running Mayfairs, who have played several times at The Junction in Cambridge, all gave their time and expenses for free. There were
wiifit and playstation games, giant jenga, a tuck shop and brilliant
disco courtesy of David Bedford. Sylvia and Bob Allen kindly
donated and manned the Bungee Run which proved very popular with the
young, and not so young! There were several behind the scenes
benefactors to whom we are also very grateful. ‘Adoramus’-
The Granta Chorale The music of love in all its many forms laced with flowers, spells and sleep! The Granta Chorale, a choir of 20 - 24 singers, was formed by Janet Wheeler in autumn 2007. Janet Wheeler is a freelance composer and choral conductor and also conducts the Saffron Walden Choral Society and directs several youth and children’s choirs in the area. In 2009 she was commissioned to write a cycle of John Clare settings to celebrate the life and work of the poet. The Granta Chorale gave the first performance of Time becomes a Song in a concert for the John Clare Trust at Glinton in Northamptonshire, close to the poet’s birthplace. This delightful piece formed part of an entertaining and varied programme together with sacred pieces by Monteverdi, Byrd and Duruflé, short atmospheric songs by Britten, Mantyjarvi and Eric Whitacre and much loved jazz standards. For more information
about The Granta Chorale please see the choir’s website: |
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Copyright ©
St Andrew's church, Isleham & MediaVets 2002-24 |
Last updated February 15, 2025 |