St Andrew's Church, Isleham

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For photographs, events & community
@ thethreeriverschurches

A member of the Three Rivers Group of parishes 
Chippenham, Fordham, Isleham,  Kennett & Snailwell

The Diocese of Ely, The Church of England


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Home page 

Electoral Roll 2025 and Annual Church Parochial Meeting (ACPM)
This year, our church APCM will  be held in Chippenham village hall
on Wednesday April 2 at 7pm.
Fordham Church Closure update
There is no service at Fordham on Sunday Match 9.
Services are being held in Victoria Hall at 11 am for the time being but
there will be no service on March 9th
You are warmly invited to join the worship at one of the other churches
in the team. The church reopens on 16th March.
Compline - Wednesdays at 7pm at Sr Andrew's Social Centre during Lent
Will be helf in persion ,instead of online on Zoom, at St Andrew's Isleham Socia centre , 
before the e:erng course meetings, during Lent.
It lasts around 20 minutes and is led collectively by those attending, 
but all are welcome to just listen and pray as well as taking part. 
Please contact Mark Walsh if you would like to be added 
to the weekly link for this service.

Lent Course - starts on Wednesday Match 12

This year in Lent we will be looking at how each of the gospel writers
presents the story of Christ’s Passion.

The course wil;l be held at 7:30 pm on Wednesdays March 12, March 19,
March 26 and April 9, downstairs at Sr Andrew's Isleham Social Centre.

World Day of Prayer Service - Friday, March 7 
This year's Annual World Day of Prayer Service was prepared by
 the women of the Cook Islands.
The theme is 'I made you wonderful'.
Isleham choir
A reminder that practices are 6:45 -7:30 pm in Isleham social centre.
All are welcome, no regular commitment or ability to read music
For more information contact Mark Walsh.
Have you ever visited your parish church?

If you are a new resident of Isleham or perhaps have just never ventured inside your parish church why not do so today. 

Or perhaps another time would suit you better; the church is usually open every day from abut 9am until about 5pm.

At Isleham and Snailwell we hold a service every Sunday at 9.30am at which you will be warmly welcomed. - 

At Fordham and Chiipenham we hold a service every Sunday at 11am at which you will be warmly welcomed. - 

There are many surprising and marvellous things to see.

Or why not join us at our 

Isleham Coffee Morning -Tuesdays 10am-12noon

The Tuesday morning coffee and bacon butty crew are back at the St Andrew’s Social Centre , from 10am-12 noon.  All welcome.

Fordham Coffee Morning next on Friday February 28 

The next coffee morning will be held on 28th February from 10am until
12 noon at The Vicarage, 24 Mildenhall Road. 

Plenty of room and car parking available. ALL WELCOME. Supporting St Peter's
Fordham Preservation Trust.

St Andrew’s Festival of Light at Isleham 

A  spectacular display of a large number of decorated and illuminated Chrictmas trees provided by individuals and organisation from Isleham and roundabouts. It is always worth seeing!

If you missed it there will be a link to a gallery of photos here soon.

St Andrew’s Festival of Light at Isleham 

A  spectacular display of a large number of decorated and illuminated Chrictmas trees provided by individuals and organisation from Isleham and roundabouts. It is always worth seeing!

If you missed it there will be a link to a gallery of photos here soon.

Services in the Three Rivers Group Churches - Sunday March 9
Lent 1

  • 9.30am Isleham: -Morning Praise
  • 9.30am -Snailwell -Eucharist
  • 11am Fordham: - There is no service at Fordham on Sunday Match 9.
  • 11am Chippenham - Morning Prayer 

All the orders of service will be found on our website


Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ fasted forty days in the
wilderness, and was tempted as we are, yet without sin: give us grace to
discipline ourselves in obedience to your Spirit; and, as you know our
weakness, so may we know your power to save; through Jesus Christ
your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen


Psalm 91.1-11


  • A reading from the Old Testament from Deuteronomy 26. 1-11

  • A reading from the New Testament from Romans 10. 8b-13

  • The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke 4. 1-13

Post Communion prayer

Lord God, you have renewed us with the living bread from heaven; by it
you nourish our faith, increase our hope, and strengthen our love:
teach us always to hunger for him who is the true and living bread,
and enable us to live by every word that proceeds from out of your
mouth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 





  • Terence Berry on Friday March, 21, at  Fordham, at 1.30 pm.

  • Mary Bird on Friday March, 21 Isleham, at 10am .




Services in the Three Rivers Group Churches - Sunday March 16
Lent 2

  • 9.30am Isleham: -Eucharist
  • 9.30am -Snailwell -Morning Praise
  • 11am Fordham: -Family Service in Church.
  • 11am Chippenham - Eucharist 
  • 3.30pm - Kennett - Family Service

All the orders of service will be found on our website

Foundation Governor Vacancy 

There is a position becoming available for the start of the new academic year for a Foundation Governor at Isleham Primary School. In the past six months two new parent governors, a co-opted governor with experience in school building project management have joined and an Associate governor has been invited to join who is a local Farm Manager. If you feel that this is something that would interest you, please contact Reverend Stephen @

Thank you.

Have you ever visited your parish church?

If you are a new resident of Isleham or perhaps have just never ventured inside your parish church why not do so today. 

Or perhaps another time would suit you better; the church is usually open every day from abut 9am until about 5pm.

There are many surprising and marvellous things to see.

We hold a service every Sunday at 9.30am at which you will be warmly welcomed. - 

Or why not join us at our 

Isleham Coffee Morning -Tuesdays 10am-12noons

The Tuesday morning coffee and bacon butty crew are back at the St Andrew’s Social Centre , from 10am-12 noon.  All welcome.

otes from The Rector

Morning Prayer is a great way to start the day: for those of you who would  like to join in, we gather at 8.15 in the Social Centre in Isleham on Tuesdays, and in the church at Fordham on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Each day I produce a short set of reflections on the readings for Morning  Prayer the following day. If you would like to receive these by email, please  let me know. You can unsubscribe very easily if you decide you don’t want them any more!

You can get in touch with me in a number of ways: my email address is; my home phone number is 01638 354866; my mobile number is 07871182394 (but please note it spends almost all of its time on silent, so I may not notice it ring – please either leave a message or send a text); and for old-school paper, I’m at 24 Mildenhall Road, Fordham, CB7 5NR.

I take Monday as my day off each week, so messages which arrive on 
Monday will get dealt with on Tuesday.

The Rector’s Daily Reflections

Each day I produce a short set of reflections on the readings for
Morning Prayer the following day.

If you would like to receive these by email, please let me know. You
can unsubscribe very easily if you decide you don’t want them any
more please email me:

Christian Aid prayer for Ukraine 

God of all peoples and nations, who created all things alive and breathing, united and whole, show us the way of peace that is your overwhelming presence. 

We hold before you the peoples of Ukraine and Russia, every child and every adult. We long for the time when weapons of war are beaten into ploughshares. When nations no longer lift up sword against nation.

We cry out to you for peace.

Protect those who only desire and deserve to live in security and safety. 

Comfort those who fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones

Be with those who are bereaved.

Change the hearts of those set on violence and aggression and fill leaders with the wisdom that leads to peace.

Kindle again in us a love of our neighbour and a passion for justice to prevail and a renewed recognition that we all play a part in peace. 

Creator of all hear our prayer and bring us peace. Make us whole.  


Foodbank -update

The Ark Church runs the Isleham Community Pantry which now collects and distrubutes donations of food made in Co-op stores in Isleham and Fordham. There is also always a need for toiletries - soap, shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste and so on - and pet food.

They supply those in need, and will deliver, in Isleham and Fordham.

Alternatively you may prefer to donate money to he Trusell Trust Ely Food Bank. You can donate either by cheque made payable to:
"Ely Foodbank" and sent to 10 Chapel Street, Ely, Cambs, CB6 1AD. 

Or if you prefer to donate online: 

Thank you.

Midweek services update

Revd Steve writes:

Morning Prayer is a great way to start the day: for those of you who would  like to join in, we gather at 8.15 in the church centre in Isleham on Tuesdays and in the church at Fordham on Wednesdays.

I aim to have Morning Prayer available on the churches’ Zoom link at 8.15 each day  on Tuesday to Saturday. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, this will be from the  gathering; on other days it will be just online. Please email me for details of how to join in (see address below).

Each day I produce a short set of reflections on the readings for Morning  Prayer the following day. If you would like to receive these by email, please  let me know. You can unsubscribe very easily if you decide you don’t want them any more!

You can get in touch with me in a number of ways: my email address is; my home phone number is 01638 354866; my 
mobile number is 07871182394 (but please note it spends almost all of its 
time on silent, so I may not notice it ring – please either leave a message or 
send a text); and for old-school paper, I’m at 24 Mildenhall Road, Fordham, 
CB7 5NR.

A reminder that all are welcome to join our midweek services, which currently include

  • From Tuesday 5eptember 5, technology permitting, we aim to have Morning Prayer available on the churches’ Zoom link at 8.15 each day  Tuesday to Saturday. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, this will be from the  gathering; on other days it will be just online. Please email Revd Steve Day for details of how to join in
  • Tuesday Morning Prayer at Isleham (in church or at Social Centre) – 8.15am
    After a break for Christmas and New year, starts again on January 7
  • Wednesday Morning Prayer at Fordham (in church) – 8.15am
    After a break for Christmas and New year, starts again on January 8
  • Wednesday Compline at Snailwell (in church) – 6.30pm
    After a break for Christmas and New year, starts again on January 8
  • Wednesday Compline on Zoom (online) – 7pm
    After a break for Christmas and New year, starts again on January 8

The mailing list for online Compline is currently being refreshed, so if you would like to stay on it, or join it anew, please email to let us know1

In person services in church

With due consideration to national guidance from the government and the Church of England in the meantime, I'm pleased to say that we are going ahead with services in-person in church.

However, it's clear that as in all things at present, we must be careful, of ourselves and each other, and for that reason we do ask for your cooperation and understanding where modifications have been made. 

We must, of course, leave the decision whether or not to attend to you and your judgment. While it is generally good to be with other people, we realise that this is not comfortable or sensible for everyone at present, and we continue to pray for and ask God's blessing on all in our parishes, not just those we see in person. 

Two important considerations:

Firstly, in common with all public indoor spaces, we ask that you do not attend an event if you are feeling unwell or experiencing any of the recognised symptoms of COVID. 

As the virus spreads successfully between people without symptoms, please also consider taking a lateral flow test before attending a service, especially if you have been in contact with people beyond your household in recent days.

Face coverings are no longer mandatory in public spaces, but if you are not exempt, please consider wearing one while in church to help protect others as local infection rates remain high.

We will continue to ensure good ventilation in our churches, so please come prepared for draughts.

Three Rivers Group Car Scheme

A reminder that the Three Rivers Group Car Scheme exists to provide lifts to medical and other appointments when other transport is not available. 

Some drivers are also offering their services for free to Ukrainians being hosted by families locally.

So if you know of someone who needs transport for aparticular purpose, please do pass on the number: 07549 892322

Isleham Coffee Morning -Tuesdays 10am-12noon 

The Tuesday morning coffee and bacon butty crew will be back at the St Andrew’s Social Centre from 11 Jan, from 10am-12 noon.  All welcome.

Weekly notice sheet by email  

We still distribute a copy of the weekly notice sheet by email every Sunday to those who want to keep up-to-date with what's happening in the Group, even when they can't get to church. 

Please let Revd Steve know if you'd like to receive a copy.

Copyright © St Andrew's church, Isleham & MediaVets 2002-24
Comments about the web site to the webmaster.

Last updated March 08, 2025
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